Video: Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) Definition
Date |
Open |
High |
Low |
Close |
Volume |
10/07/2013 |
$6.42 |
$6.52 |
$6.42 |
$6.45 |
22.00K | 10/08/2013 |
$6.42 |
$6.45 |
$6.42 |
$6.43 |
15.40K | 10/09/2013 |
$6.45 |
$6.45 |
$6.42 |
$6.43 |
23.00K | 10/10/2013 |
$6.45 |
$6.45 |
$6.42 |
$6.45 |
4.50K | 10/11/2013 |
$6.43 |
$6.45 |
$6.43 |
$6.44 |
3.90K |
Analysts International is an information technology (IT) services company. Co. supplies consultants across a number of technology disciplines to companies in various industries. Co. maintains a consultant network, which is comprised of full-time and temporary employees and contract personnel. Co. uses three primary delivery methods for its IT Services: Staff Augmentation, in which it sources IT personnel to work with its client's internal staff; Managed Teams, in which it sources IT personnel and constructs project teams in line with client requirements; and Project-Based Solutions, in which it delivers custom applications and systems integration services. | |
ANLY (ANLY) has the following price history information. Looking back at ANLY historical stock prices for the last five trading days, on October 07, 2013, ANLY opened at $6.42, traded as high as $6.52 and as low as $6.42, and closed at $6.45. Trading volume was a total of 22.00K shares. On October 08, 2013, ANLY opened at $6.42, traded as high as $6.45 and as low as $6.42, and closed at $6.43. Trading volume was a total of 15.40K shares. On October 09, 2013, ANLY opened at $6.45, traded as high as $6.45 and as low as $6.42, and closed at $6.43. Trading volume was a total of 23.00K shares. On October 10, 2013, ANLY opened at $6.45, traded as high as $6.45 and as low as $6.42, and closed at $6.45. Trading volume was a total of 4.50K shares. On October 11, 2013, ANLY opened at $6.43, traded as high as $6.45 and as low as $6.43, and closed at $6.44. Trading volume was a total of 3.90K shares.
ANLY Historical Stock Prices By Date:
Below, we examine the compound annual growth rate — CAGR for short — of an investment into ANLY shares, starting with a $10,000 purchase of ANLY, and working forward through the historical stock price information to today.
ANLY -- use the split history when considering split-adjusted past price performance. |
Date |
Close |
10/07/2013 | $6.45 | 10/08/2013 | $6.43 | 10/09/2013 | $6.43 | 10/10/2013 | $6.45 | 10/11/2013 | $6.44 |