Video: Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) Definition
Date |
Open |
High |
Low |
Close |
Volume |
09/09/2024 |
$1.86 |
$2.00 |
$1.86 |
$1.95 |
104.90K | 09/10/2024 |
$1.95 |
$2.00 |
$1.87 |
$1.99 |
56.10K | 09/11/2024 |
$1.91 |
$2.00 |
$1.91 |
$1.97 |
74.90K | 09/12/2024 |
$1.98 |
$2.01 |
$1.93 |
$1.99 |
68.50K | 09/13/2024 |
$1.99 |
$2.00 |
$1.96 |
$1.98 |
76.30K |
Agora is a holding company. Through its subsidiaries, Co. engages in providing Real-Time Engagement (RTE) Platform-as-a-Service, which provides developers software tools to embed real-time video, voice and messaging capabilities into their applications. Co.'s products include Core Products, which consist of a range of products designed to deliver its key RTE capabilities; Extensions, which comprise various capabilities and tools to enable developers to launch RTE in specific use cases with enhanced end user experiences; and Application Platforms, which deploys its key RTE capabilities in low-code or no-code environment to help developers with little or no RTE capabilities develop products. | |
Agora Inc (Cayman Islands) (API) has the following price history information. Looking back at API historical stock prices for the last five trading days, on September 09, 2024, API opened at $1.86, traded as high as $2.00 and as low as $1.86, and closed at $1.95. Trading volume was a total of 104.90K shares. On September 10, 2024, API opened at $1.95, traded as high as $2.00 and as low as $1.87, and closed at $1.99. Trading volume was a total of 56.10K shares. On September 11, 2024, API opened at $1.91, traded as high as $2.00 and as low as $1.91, and closed at $1.97. Trading volume was a total of 74.90K shares. On September 12, 2024, API opened at $1.98, traded as high as $2.01 and as low as $1.93, and closed at $1.99. Trading volume was a total of 68.50K shares. On September 13, 2024, API opened at $1.99, traded as high as $2.00 and as low as $1.96, and closed at $1.98. Trading volume was a total of 76.30K shares.
API Historical Stock Prices By Date:
Below, we examine the compound annual growth rate — CAGR for short — of an investment into Agora Inc (Cayman Islands) shares, starting with a $10,000 purchase of API, and working forward through the historical stock price information to today.
Growth of $10,000.00
Without Dividends Reinvested
Start date: |
06/26/2020 |
End date: |
09/13/2024 |
Start price/share: |
$50.50 |
End price/share: |
$1.98 |
Dividends collected/share: |
$0.00 |
Total return: |
-96.08% |
Average Annual Total Return: |
-53.59% |
Starting investment: |
$10,000.00 |
Ending investment: |
$392.08 |
Years: |
4.22 |
Date |
Close |
09/09/2024 | $1.95 | 09/10/2024 | $1.99 | 09/11/2024 | $1.97 | 09/12/2024 | $1.99 | 09/13/2024 | $1.98 |